Daryl Haggard
Principal Investigator
As head of M.E.G.A. I am proud to have a diverse group of enthusiastic astrophysicists working with me.
Email: daryl.haggard@mcgill.ca
Sophia Waddell
Postdoctoral Fellow
Sophie joined the team in 2024. Sophia is an expert in X-ray observations of growing supermassive black holes.
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Email: waddell@mpe.mpg.de
Mervyn Chan
Postdoctoral Fellow
Mervyn joined the team in 2022 to work on GWSkyNet. He is primarily located at UBC, where he also works closely with Jess McIver.
Email: mervync@phas.ubc.ca
Anan Lu
PhD Graduate Student
Anan joined the team in 2020. She works on characterizing star formation in nearby galaxies with the SITELLE instrument on CFHT.
Email: anan.lu@mail.mcgill.ca
Nayyer Raza
PhD Graduate Student
Nayyer joined the team in 2022. He is using machine learning and multi-messenger astrophysics to study compact object mergers.
Email: nayyer.raza@mail.mcgill.ca
Élodie Lescure
MSc Graduate Student
Élodie joined the team in 2022. She is located primarily at Bishop’s University and is co-supervised by John Ruan.
Email: elescure22@ubishops.ca
Joshua Goodeve
MSc Graduate Student
Joshua joined the team in 2024. He will be co-supervision by Adrian Liu. He will be researching how slow radio transients could be caused by active galactic nuclei.​​​
Bailey Tetarenko
Postdoctoral Fellow
Bailey joined in 2022. She focuses on the study of the physical processes governing astrophysical accretion discs in compact binary systems in our Galaxy.
Email: btetaren@ttu.edu
Lauren Rhodes
Postdoctoral Fellow
Lauren joined in 2024. She uses radio telescopes to study relativistic jets launched by black holes of all masses.
Nicholas Vieira
PhD Graduate Student
Nick joined the team in 2020. He works to identify optical and infrared counterparts to GW sources.
Email: nicholas.vieira@mail.mcgill.ca ​
Nicole Ford
PhD Graduate Student
Nicole joined the team in 2021. She is using multi-messenger astrophysics to study compact object mergers.
Email: nicole.ford@mail.mcgill.ca ​
Gabriel Sasseville
MSc Graduate Student
Gabriel joined the team in 2023. He is based at the University of Montreal and is co-supervised with Dr. Julie Hlavacek-Larrondo.
Rebecca Hamel
MSc Graduate Student
Rebecca joined the team in 2024. She will be using Bayesian Inference on the spectrum of GW sources.
Email: rebecca.hamel@mail.mcgill.ca